I love flying, domestic or international, short or long haul, I am always ready and willing to take a flight and when the A380 came out I was ready to hop onto it and shortly Emirates announced showers onboard, it didn't get cooler than having a shower at 40,000 feet on the worlds largest commercial aircraft!
So I booked myself on the Delhi-Dubai-London and return sector.
The first surprise was the new airport at Delhi, two words come to mind, huge and clean and the second surprise was the massive duty free, those who've seen the old duty free will know exactly what I am talking about when I say my first reaction to the duty free was 'whoa!'
After a smooth check in, though I was surprised that Emirates didn't have a staff member to guide its passengers through immigration and a somewhat confused ground staff who could not make up their minds whether First and Business passengers or those with children board first which delayed the boarding by a few minutes, we were settled with champagne and a basket of chips, nuts and chocolates in our seats. The flight from Delhi to Dubai was regular, suites etc and nothing much to write about except that the tv screen kept showing Dubai-Delhi instead of Delhi-Dubai for more than half of the flight, Dubai airport was nice but the after effects of the grand Delhi airport were still strong enough to keep Dubai from surprising in anyway.

With a four hour stopover in Dubai I checked into the airport hotel and sank into the massage chair for an hour long massage while looking out the window at the passengers zipping to and fro, shortly boarding for London was announced and I made my way to the boarding gate, the first sightof the A380............really big, huge........H.U.G.E., but a beauty, elegant and breathtaking!

I settled into my suite which was more or less like all the suites on Emirates, seat with built-in massage system, 23 inch television, a minibar, vanity table, mirror, wardrobe, a touchscreen remote for controlling all the features of the suite and ofcourse the doors that close at the press of a button albeit very slowly, for privacy.
After what seemed like an eternity of taxing the plane took off, now this is where the A380 kicks in, as the aircraft ascends there are no rattles, no noise, none of the 'tremors' or jerks as in other aircrafts, just a self-assured, confident glide as land falls lower and lower from the windows. A hush that can seem a bit unsettling for those who are used to the take-off 'roars'.
I ask the attendent to book my 'spa appointment' that's what the shower is called, as soon as possible and she returns ten minutes later to inform me that the 'spa' is ready.
After the claustrophobic cupboard like loo's on all aircrafts, this is a pleasant surprise, not only can you stand and stretch out your arms to your either sides you could most probably have a jog in here!! Rolled towels with orchids on them, lots of toiletries, hair dryer, et all and the most important of them all, the shower cubicle!
Each passenger gets 5 minutes of shower time, it is on 40,000 feet so they have to ration it, can't have people singing entire songs in the shower here! But the thrill of knowing that one is bathing in an aircraft while airborne is ecstatic!
After the shower I head to the bar area to have a Champagne and canapes and after a few minutes of chitter chatter with my fellow passengers who too are marveling at the aircraft, I request that I am shown around the plane, two attendants immediately volunteer and escort me down the stairs, which are rather wide and walk me the entire length of the aircraft, the 'downstairs' is nice but as the seating is for so many passengers it does seem to be a bit overcrowded. The most interesting thing that I found on the tour was that the business class loo (which was a regular size) had a window in it!

After the in-depth tour I return to my suite to savor the foods Emirates is famous for.
A hearty meal later, my table is cleared away and my seat converted into a bed and I have a lovely nap and reach London fresh as a daisy! A wonderful flight with attentive staff and great food, the only thing is the stopover which can make the journey seem a bit long but hopefully the A380 will be flying from Indian airspace soon.